SupplierLink Saskatchewan is the supply chain's single, unified prequalification platform built to showcase vendor experience, capabilities and qualifications, featuring a filtered, searchable supplier directory.
Connected directly to WCB (Workers Compensation Board), the SCSA (Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association), and HCSAS (Heavy Construction Safety Association of Saskatchewan), certificates, clearance and other qualifications are auto-populated and maintained with zero administration.
Features and Benefits
Automated certificates and qualifications are verified for company profiles.
Find vendors by searching attributes such as:
- Work scope
- Skills sets
- Geographical areas of operation
- Workforce demographics
- Safety records
- Proof of insurance and bonding
- Project experience

Supporting Local Industry
Our Partner Associations

Our partners have all seen the value in partnering with SupplierLink Saskatchewan and showcasing their members to serve your procurement needs.
Interested in becoming a partner? Send us an email: [email protected]

Jamey Logan, Strictly Fences Ltd.
"SupplierLink Saskatchewan has done the leg work of assembling a large group of buyers under one roof for us. It’s a great bang for my buck considering the size of the captive audience at my fingertips."

Brooke Ratzlaff, Q-Line Trucking
"We feel that there is an opportunity in SupplierLink being a Saskatchewan- based organization and this should offer us the chance to be visible to the businesses when looking for transportation services for projects inside and out of the province."

Trevor Bemis, Absolute Reality Capture
"We like using SupplierLink because it's easy to use and a convenient way to connect with potential clients."

Myles Dyck, Gang Nail Trusses
"We believe Supplier link is the ideal platform to help connect our products and service to the broad range of clients across Saskatchewan."

Justin Fiddler, Black Stone Access Solutions
"I like SupplierLink because it is informative and has all the tools you need such as analytics, COR and WCB required certification and more. I am happy with the services and happy to be a part of it!"